New SFI Options 2024

If you have been keeping an eye on the Defra blog posts you’ll have noted that new actions are available through the Sustainable Farming Incentive from later this summer, to add to the current set of 23 actions.

You may already be in an SFI agreement, in which case you’ll be able to either add these options into your agreement at the annual amendment point, or set up a separate agreement to run alongside your current one.

Other news is that there will be a new single SFI and Countryside Stewardship application portal so you’ll be able to pick and choose what options go into a single agreement.

Here are some of the actions to look out for.  More details on the specifications and management criteria are expected to be announced soon.  You can find the full list of new SFI and CS options here

There are some exciting new simplified opportunities for the management and restoration of semi-improved grassland habitats, and for introducing trees into the farmed landscape. If you are interested in any of these options, particularly on the habitat creation, restoration and management options, get in touch to discuss your plans. 

Action  Duration  Annual payment  Action’s aim 
Actions for Precision Farming
Variable rate application of nutrients  3 years  £27 per hectare (ha)  Variable Rate Application (VRA) technology is used to apply nutrients on arable, horticultural land or improved permanent grassland, to match the nutrient needs of crops in different areas within land parcels 
Camera or remote sensor guided herbicide spraying  3 years  £43 per ha  Robotic camera-guided or remote sensing technology is used to precisely target application of systemic herbicides to control weeds on arable land, permanent crops or grassland 
New Soil Actions
No-till farming  3 years  £73 per ha  No-till farming techniques are used to establish crops, so soil disturbance is reduced 
Multi-species spring/summer and summer/ autumn cover (there will be two offers)  3 years  £153 to £163 per ha  There is a well-established multi-species cover crop during the spring, summer or autumn months 
Actions to protect traditional farm buildings
Maintain weatherproof traditional farm or forestry buildings 3 to 5 years (3Y) £5 per square m Traditional farm or forestry buildings are maintained to enhance the local landscape and preserve places for wildlife
Actions for Orchards
Create traditional orchards 10 years £471 per ha A traditional orchard is created with healthy young trees and any existing mature trees are managed
Manage traditional orchards 5 years £264 per ha Traditional orchard trees are managed to provide a range of young and mature fruit trees
Supplement: Restorative pruning of fruit trees 3 years £146 per tree There are restored mature fruit trees with undisturbed standing and fallen deadwood to provide a habitat for a wide range of invertebrates
Actions for Species Management
Manage wet grassland for breeding waders 5 years £676 per ha Wet grassland or land that is in the process of becoming wet grassland is managed to provide nesting and feeding habitat for breeding wading birds
Manage wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl 5 years £547 per ha Wet grassland or land in the process of becoming wet grassland is managed to provide roosting and feeding habitat for wintering waders and wildfowl
Manage species-rich floodplain meadows 5 years £1,070 per ha Species-rich floodplain meadows that periodically flood are managed naturally
Supplement: Grazing land using native breeds at risk (grassland) Variable £92 or £146 per ha dependent on grazing livestock units Grazing is increased with vary rates of rare breeds of livestock which are included in the native breed support list and categorised as either vulnerable, endangered or critical on sensitive grazing habitats
Manage and restore reedbed, fen and wetland mosaics 10 years £920 per ha Reedbed, fen or wetland mosaic habitat (including areas of reedbed, fen, mires and flushes) is restored and managed
Agroforestry Opportunities
Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land 3 years £385 per ha An in-field agroforestry system is maintained, so there’s a combination of either trees and arable or horticultural crops, or trees and grassland for forage and livestock
Maintain medium density in-field agroforestry   £595 per ha An in-field agroforestry system is maintained, so there’s a combination of either trees and arable or horticultural crops, or trees and grassland for forage and livestock
Maintain high density in-field agroforestry   £849 per ha An in-field agroforestry system is maintained, so there’s a combination of either trees and arable or horticultural crops, or trees and grassland for forage and livestock
Actions to manage and restore woodland
Woodland improvement 10 years £127 per ha Woodland is brought into sustainable management in line with the UK Forestry Standard
Supplement to Woodland improvement action: Improve woodland resilience 10 years £202 per ha The mixture of tree species, age and structural diversity in woodlands is increased through changes to management activities
Supplement to Woodland improvement action: Manage native woodland including ancient semi-natural woodlands (ASNW) 10 years £144 per ha Support the management of native woodland and ancient and semi-natural woodlands
Actions for Educational Access and Permissive Access
Educational access 5 years £363 per visit An educational tour of your holding or woodland is provided to groups, to increase their understanding of farming, forestry, food production, wildlife and the landscape
Footpath access 5 years £77 per 100m Provide and maintain new permissive footpaths to the public
Bridleway or cycle path access 5 years £158 per 100m Provide and maintain new permissive bridleways or cycles paths
New SFI Options 2024
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