All planning applications now require 10% Biodiversity Net Gain and this includes new slurry lagoons, silage clamps and livestock sheds. While this may seem onerous most typical applications by farmers and landowners will be able to meet the requirements on farm through modest areas of habitat enhancement or creation.
It is essential to have a baseline survey undertaken and the Natural England Statutory Biodiversity Net Gain metric completed by a suitably qualified ecologist when submitting your planning application. The planning authority will want details on what type of habitat is being lost, what enhancement is being proposed, who is responsible for creating the habitat and how you will maintain the new habitat. We can assist with all this and complete the necessary paperwork. Simple habitats that the majority of farmers can do include tree and scrub planting, hedge planting or grassland sward improvements for biodiversity.
We are also starting to work with landowners wanting to create ‘habitat banks’ with the aim of selling biodiversity units to developers where biodiversity net gain cannot be achieved on site. If this is something you would like to explore, we will be happy to discuss ideas with you and give an indication of the number of units you may generate.