Author: Rachelnicolajane

Trees for Climate Case Study

·       The Mersey Forest ·       Malpas, Cheshire ·       Lower Moss Farm ·       Partners: ELM Associates Volunteers from the local beaver and cubs group enjoyed helping to plant and getting muddy Local community join together to plant new woodland on Cheshire farm Volunteers, including residents and a local cubs and beaver[…]

Do you need to update your slurry analysis in 2024?

Slurry testing programme Knowing the fertiliser value of the farm’s slurry and FYM can help you target your nutrient applications from available manures and save on fertiliser costs.  Slurry nutrient levels van vary hugely, leading to inaccurate recording of rates, and impacts on yield and quality. We also recommend slurry[…]


Rachel and Jane attended the agroforestry show recently and have come away inspired! Agroforestry covers many things and is a set of practices combining agricultural crops or livestock with trees and shrubs.  There are many forms from alley cropping in arable fields to tree blocks for livestock shade and shelter. […]

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