Trees for Climate Case Study

·       The Mersey Forest
·       Malpas, Cheshire
·       Lower Moss Farm
·       Partners: ELM Associates

Volunteers from the local beaver and cubs group enjoyed helping to plant and getting muddy

Local community join together to plant new woodland on Cheshire farm

Volunteers, including residents and a local cubs and beaver group, have helped to plant several sections of new woodland on a farm near Malpas, Cheshire.

The community planting event, at Lower Moss Farm near Malpas in Cheshire, was organised by farming advisors, ELM Associates, and The Mersey Forest, who have supported the landowner to establish 4.88 hectares of new woodland.

The trees planted by the community are part of a wider broadleaf planting scheme that has been designed to work with the farm’s operations.

Key features include:

  • Planting on the edge of fields to benefit crops.
  • Planting on steep, unprofitable areas of the farm, helping with soil erosion.
  • The new woodland connects with semi-ancient woodland that boarders the farm.
  • The new woodland extends wildlife corridors for the benefit of local species.

Project description

The landowner has worked closely with local farm advisors, ELM Associates, on a whole farm conservation plan including hedges and wild bird mix. Trees are one part of this plan and the landowner’s advisor suggested that the Trees for Climate programme would be an ideal grant to achieve their objectives, along with knitting together with elements they’ve introduced through the Countryside Stewardship scheme.  

The mix of broadleaf trees, including species such as field maple, oak, silver birch and alder, have been planted on areas that are steeply sloping and that were in arable production. These areas were at risk of soil erosion, something that the woodland will help to mitigate.
The bulk of the planting was completed by contractors with the local community joining in one Saturday in January to help plant two more sections.

Biodegradable tree guards have been used at this site to protect the growing trees from damage by browsing wildlife, providing them with the best chance to establish into a thriving woodland.

Jane Atkinson, Farm Conservation Advisor at ELM Associates, said: “The tree planting on this site is part of a wider conservation plan for the farm. It has been designed to link together semi ancient woodland and a Site of Special Scientific Interest, connecting habitats and creating wildlife corridors, as well as protect the farmland from soil erosion.

The turn out from the local community was fantastic. They all worked really hard to get the trees in the ground which will continue to benefit the local area for years to come.”

Project impact  

Contribution to Net Zero: The trees planted at this site will sequester approximately 1,410 tonnes of carbon in their lifetime.

Nature and Biodiversity: The additional woodland links together with semi ancient woodland and a Site of Special Scientific Interest, connecting habitats and creating wildlife corridors.

Public access and community engagement: Around 30 people, including the local beaver and cubs group helped to plant many of the trees.

One of the young volunteers helping to plant on one of the farm’s steeper slopes

Contact details:

The Mersey Forest –

Environmental Land Management Associates Ltd 

Jane Atkinson – CEnv. MIEEM, FACTS & BASIS Professional Register

Mob. 07824876108 / Tel: 01925 816217

Trees for Climate Case Study

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