Author: Rachelnicolajane

How to benefit from Countryside Stewardship Capital Grants

Countryside Stewardship capital grants remain open for applications, and with the removal of the funding limit, enable farmers to undertake larger projects with environmental benefits.  In 2023, payment rates for most options were also increased.   Stand-alone applications can be made for items from 4 broad ‘themes’ which include:  management and[…]


Agroforestry can mean many different things but, in essence, it is trees on farms.  There are two main types of agroforestry:  1. Silvo-pastoral agroforestry: which means the grazing of animals under trees. The animals enrich the soil while the trees provide shelter, shade and fodder for the animals.  2. Silvo-arable agroforestry: where crops are grown[…]

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